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Try iKnow Charity

Complete the form below for your free trial account.

Please allow 1 business day for us to set up your account and you’ll receive your secure login details by email. Your trial is obligation free.  


Sign up for a 14 Day iKnow Charity Trial

Learn more about how iKnow Charity can help by using our free trial.

What can you expect from us?

We’ll be in touch
During your trial we’ll check in to ask if you have any questions and make sure the trial is going well. Our first call will be when we set you up, to make sure you’ve received your login details.

No Obligation
We don't take any payment details during your trial. At the end of your trial, you can let us know whether or not you want to sign-up to a paid subscription. 


Full Support
We’re known for our support and it’s all available to you to use while you’re on your free trial. Use tutorials, phone and email our support team or attend events. You can also book a 30 minute session with one of our team.

Get your team on board
If you’re looking at iKnow with a team, you can add each of them as a user so that you can all do your own research. Learn more about how to do this here.

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