Introducing the all new update for iKnow Charity - Contactless Donations
Turn your smartphone into a contactless donations point with the new iKnow Charity Contactless Giving App.
Make receiving donations even easier for your charity. Whether its your day to day mobile phone or a spare handset for the charity, you can now use an iPhone or Android smartphone* to receive donations with ease.
No longer do you need to purchase any additional hardware or pay another subscription for Contactless Giving. The iKnow Charity Giving App can be configured with a number of options to make it a clean and simple way for people to give to your charity. The phone can be attended or left at the charity using one of our recommended hardware solutions.
Does this mean that the cost of iKnow is going up?
Absolutely not. We're constantly working to improve iKnow Charity and develop new tools and grow how we can better help you and your Administration and Fundraising. We don't charge for these updates, and they will be applied to your account directly.

Take a closer look
- Donors can select which campaign to give to (this can be disabled so automatically goes to the general fund)
- Donors can choose the amount they are giving
- Simple tap and the donation is processed
- Donations appear instantly within the iKnow finance module for full integration
- Rapid donate mode
- No additional monthly cost - it is all included within the iKnow Charity package